Dropbox backup

The Gnuvario-E offers the possibility of saving its tracks and its logbook on a Dropbox account.

Create an account on Dropbox

Go to the Dropbox website and register:

Activate the functionality on the GNUVario-E webserver

Click on “Settings” at the top right, go to the Dropbox tab and check the box “Dropbox active”.


In order to link your GNUVario-e to your Dropbox account, you must retrieve a code by following the procedure indicated. Press the “Get a code” box then follow the instructions.

Once your code has been generated, copy and paste it into the “Dropbox Code” window then press the button “Get Token”. An acces token will then be generated to secure access to your Dropbox account.

Press OK to save and close. The various icons related to the Dropbox backup function will then appear on the pages concerned.

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